Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
My Path In and Out of Addiction
Like many of my patients and followers, I also dealt with addiction. I was a functioning alcoholic for many years. What started with panic attacks turned into using alcohol as my medication. Through this long and painful process, I found sobriety 21 years ago. In this episode, we will look into my path from addiction to sobriety. I’m telling my own story to help you or someone you may know find their way out. Often, we are not sure if the addiction came first or the mental health issues. This was the case for me, and many others like me. In this episode, we will also look at what drives us to self-medicate and what could be standing in the way. Life is indeed greater, happier, and easier on the other side… Be well.
National Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-799-7233
Suicide Prevention Lifeline: CALL OR TEXT 988
Disaster Distress Helpline: 1-800-985-5990
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